
  • Watch Online / Pages from Life (1915)

    Desc: Pages from Life: Fanny, an orphan, drifted with the flotsam and jetsam upon the highways and by-ways of the world. Hers was an affectionate nature. When she grew old enough to love she wasted the riches of her heart on Tony, a worthless scoundrel. He forced her into the underworld. Though she mingled with vile and wretched creatures she remained pure in heart. One day the police raided a den to which her husband had dragged her. She was arrested and cast into prison. At the moment when her degradation seemed to be accomplished a ray of sunshine broke through the bars of her prison. The sentinel who stood on guard in the front of the prison had seen her and had been attracted by her look of sweet patience and suffering. When she regained her liberty, she quickly found employment and a strong love tor the sentinel, whom she had met after her release, grew up in her heart. The feeling was deeply reciprocated. Fanny resisted the impulse of this love. She remembered that she was married, although her husband was a worthless scoundrel. One day as she was bringing the work she had done at home to the shop of her employer, she was seen by her husband. He followed her to her room and then asserted his legal rights. He compelled her to live with him, and a child was born to her. She did not know of the plans of her husband, and soon she learned she was to be a spy and that some military men had paid her husband to obtain plans of certain fortifications. She was forced to go in an automobile with her husband and his friends and obtain the plans. Imagine her surprise and horror when she found that the officer commanding the fort was none other than the soldier whom she had loved. What joy and sorrow mingled in their hearts when they recognized each other, after so many years. Outside the fort was the automobile in which her husband, his confederates and her child were waiting. For a moment the officer left the room Fanny felt conflicting emotions. As she gazed down the road she saw her child. They threatened to take the child away from her if she failed to get the plans. The mother's fear and love conquered. She stole the plans, but before she could conceal them the officer returned and discovered what he must have considered an act of shameless perfidy. She was tried and condemned. On her deathbed she handed a last message to the sister in charge. From this last message the story of this picture has been taken.